6th Year prestige Dog Show EPEIROS CUP

16.-17.9.2023 Sunny Lakes Senec, Slovakia

Miroslav Václavík, CZ

Miroslav Václavík, CZ

2021 Miroslav Václavík, CZ


Basety – all breeds

My canine beginnings are date to the mid-seventies when I was “captivated” by the Great Dane breed. In the eighties, I passed exams and become a judge for the exterior of dogs, specifically for Great Danes. During the next years, I scale my list of breeds up. Since 2006 I am a judge for all breeds.

I have experience from all types of exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad. I have been honoured to be a judge at several World and European dog shows.

The main principle which I have is to judge dogs in their complexities. At first, I try to find positives, not negatives. When we talk about who is or not a judge specialist, honestly, I don´t like to use the expression “specialist”. Under the word specialist, everyone can understand something different, so I do not use this term. Personally, I am closest to the Great Dane, the English Bulldog and the Chow Chow breeds because I bred them.

Cynology is part of my life for many years. I have bred over 60 litters. In my kennel “z Urozených” were born a lot of very successful dogs.  At present, due to my busy schedule, I am not an active breeder. In the present time we have one beloved dog at home. It is a short-haired Chow Chow female. 

Since 1982 I am a member of the board of the Great Dane Breeders’ Club. Last 16 years I am the president of the club.

I have been a member of the CMKU Judges Commission for 24 years. Last 15 years as a chairman. I was also elected to the Presidium of CMKU, where I am a vice-chairman for the last 15 years. 

My motto is “Let cynology remain just a hobby for everyone”.