VII. year of the prestigious cynological event EPEIROS CUP

13.-14.09.2025 Sunny Lakes Senec, Slovakia

Tests of temperament

Test of Character

You can enter your dog for one of this test
1. Test of socialisation judge Anton Strasser, SK
2. Test of temperament Anton Strasser, SK

You have the option to enroll the dog for one of two tests (the Water test is only for Landseer breed). The content of the tests and the scores are given in their descriptions below.

During registration in the morning on Saturday, you will inform our administrator about which kind of test you decide to absolve with your dog.

For Test of temperament enter HERE. Looking for Test of temperament (Saturday) 16.9.2023.

A dog who has passed the test got an Epeiros certificate of completion with a point value.

These points are calculated along with the points you will achieve at the Epeiros cup – on Sunday. (Points for the Show are here)

During the final closing ceremony we will award:
1st Dog of each breed
1st – 2nd – 3rd place of Test of temperament
1st – 2nd – 3rd place of Socialization Test

On Sunday during BIS competitions is decorated TOP UNIVERSAL – dog or bitch who got the highest score TEST (from Saturday) + EXHIBITION points (Sunday) This title can be awarded only to a dog who participated in the test and exhibition too.

English version of each test soon.


  • The dog must have a fixed lead during the test. Not thin lead or Flexi type.
  • In the case of the same score, the younger dog is preferred.
  • The age of a dog handler is at least 15 years. In this case, the approval of the legal representative is required.
  • We will provide video and photo documentation of the test of temperaments. By registering, you agree to make video recordings and photos that will be used to promote the event and the activities associated with it.